Nigel has left the building...

It is a sad, but happy day for me. Nigel, one of the first bloggers here on is moving on. And it's about time! ;) He has created his own blog over at His posts over there will be deep dives into technology products that he is working with. We have copied all of his past posts here and imported them over there so if you want to read some of his older stuff you can do that.

So what is going to happen to this site? Nothing. We will keep going with our initial mission, to let anyone that wants to blog about storage have an avenue to do that without restriction. Being one of the first five people (I'd say second to only to begin blogging about storage back in May 2005 I started this site with the goal to let other people have an avenue to give their thoughts and feelings about the storage vendors in their shops and what they were doing right or wrong. The secondary goal was to get others talking about storage period! Too many people were hoarding information and unwilling to share it because they thought they would be giving away valuable IP and end users suffered greatly in those days. I'd say we were successful in those goals. You now have at least one hundred blogs dedicated to talking about storage. Most primarily marketing focused, some not.

As for myself, I plan on posting a few articles here and there. I've begun focusing more on the entire data center infrastructure over the past few years, but especially in the last 18 months. I don't deal with just storage anymore and I really like it that way. Storage is a commodity now (to me) and it was time to move on to the next big thing. Having a ten and nine year old doesn't give me much time outside of work to write many articles either.

So, here is the casting call. If you have a passion for storage and would like a place to write about it that already has a lot of dedicated readership then send me an email and we'll get an author account setup for you. snig [at]