vCenter 5 Database Move: Update the tomcat DB pointer

Ran into a weird issue the other day and was totally perplexed.  I moved a vCenter database from one SQL server to another, as I have done numerous times before without issue, but this time something else cropped up.  The old SQL server kept receiveing login attempts from the vCenter server.  What?!?  

My DSNs for vCenter and Update Manager had been changed to point at the new DB server.  All apps and plugins that query vCenter use these DSNs, WTF is going on?

The "VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices" service utilizes tomcat to connect to the DB to, I think, run the rollup jobs for DB cleanup and performance data.  vCenter runs fine without this service being able to connect to the DB though, so that is what was confusing for a while.  If you dig down into a config file at "C:\Program Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\" you will find what you're looking for.  A URL pointing to the old DB server.  e.g. url=jdbc:sqlserver://<dbserver>;databaseName\=<vcenter database name>  

The fix was to change the <dbserver> to the new DB server and all failed login attempts went away.  And in the spirit of the holidays "Yipee ki yay mother..."!

Hope this helps those DBAs out there who hate to see failed login attempts filling up their logs!  

Thanks to VMware Support for helping me run this down! Always a great experience when having to work with those guys and gals!  I don't have to call support often, but when I do, I call VMware Support...