Hurricane Season is Here

Well today is June 1st and there are clouds on the horizon here in FL.  80% chance for rain tonight (thank God) and I think we'll have at least two hurricanes hit us this year.  The numbers of named storms are pretty big this year.

I wonder how many companies here in FL actually did something after the 2004 hurricane season?  We had four hurricanes hit Polk county that year and I was without power for a total of 21 days.  Did that spark companies to at least do some sort of business impact analysis?  Do most companies know what their data and information is worth?  I would venture to say no.  With tight budgets and even tighter work pools, they just didn't have time or see the value in doing the exercise.

Well I hope everyone fairs okay this season and no storms hit the mainland U.S.  Take care and as the annoying weather people say here in FL, "hunker down."